Here We Go Again...

Well, here we go again… not just a great tune by Ray Charles but an on-going way of life for The Julia Set.

We're now down to a triplet (Mickey, Mark & Mike - thinking of changing the name to 3M but it's been taken) and forced, as such, to rethink the way we want to do things. Which, as it happens, is no bad thing.

We're now more of a virtual band, still producing music together but not necessarily in the same place. This gives us more flexibility, we can concentrate on producing good recordings and writing better songs.

An example of this will be out in the near future (keep 'em peeled) and we'll be releasing a song a month as we do it.

If and when we get to gig this stuff we'll recruit but, right now, we can handle the shortfall between us, and it's turning out to be a lot more fun than before.

Except, maybe, shooting video at stupid o'clock in the morning in the middle of a wood. That was hard.

Anyway, we hope you like the new look web site, the new direction the band is taking and (hopefully) the new music. Drop us a line on the Facebook page.

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